Turn your disadvantage into advantage

This is an interesting concept that seems impossible at first glance. Just because you find yourself in a bad situation, you don't have to “wallow in self pity” like the Grinch. However strange it sounds, often a disadvantage can be turned into an advantage.

Take a look at someone who's single. We don't like solitude. How do you feel when you're single Do you feel down? Do you feel empty inside Things just aren't making sense? In a word, does it make you feel bad? Probably yes. ...Now here comes the interesting part. Did you also realize there is an advantage to this situation? You are free to go out and start looking for that special someone.

When you're single you have two choices; feel bad about it, or fill your life with exciting opportunities. You can go out and look for every opportunity to find love. You have no obligations, no commitments. Being single means you are free. If you meet someone you like too much, there is no remorse afterwards. If you talk to all the girls or guys at a party, nobody will be upset later on. You're flirting with a stranger? No problem.

When you're single, you are free, and you owe this freedom to a disadvantage. Interesting, isn't it? Often the same is true for a bad situation, an unpleasant circumstance. These have a flip side, just like a coin. A disadvantage could mean advantage, once you look at the greater picture. This principle is often at work in your life, without you realizing it. If next time you do realize it, look for how you can turn a bad situation into your favor.

A famous example is Mini Me in the Austin Powers movies. Verne Troyer, the actor who plays Mini Me, was born with a rare genetic condition that causes dwarfism. Verne realized he could use this to his advantage, and ended up making big bucks as an actor. He is a true example of how one can make a disadvantage work for him.

You can find another excellent example in a Star Trek episode called Loud as a Whisper. It's The Next Generation series, season 2, episode 5. Watch it, if you get a chance, and you'll see this principle in action. Star Trek is just a sci-fi series, a work of imagination, but you can definitely learn a lot from it.

...and the list goes on and on. There are many other examples to turning disadvantage into advantage. Next time when you find yourself in a bad situation, instead of feeling bad about it, ask yourself “How can I turn this disadvantage into an advantage?” There is a very good chance you can do it ...and for that we are wishing you the best.

...there is one more thing, our products are meant to help singles, not break hearts. Please wear them only if you're single, not committed emotionally. Thank you.